Wednesday, August 29, 2007

One More Poem

One more poem for August. I'll be back to work after maternity leave starting tomorrow, so who knows how much writing I'll get done...

Before Rain, a Cry and Darkness

Shadows drive into the house as welcome

afternoon calm, a soft invasion asking

for light and reconciliation.

Before the rain begins, the sky gives pause

and waits for permission, for

forgiveness, for its chance.

Inside, the consequence between light and dark

precludes the sleeping child,

and then, a sharp cry like lightning

breaks the room in two.

The child says his eyes are blue

when he opens them

like the sky on summer afternoons,

and when the hail starts to fall,

like snowflakes, like drumbeats,

like iris petals and aspen bark,

he quiets, waiting for the darkness

to sing its own light, blessed brightness.


Jak said...

Just a voice from your past - Jen Vaclavik Keeler

Glad to see your still writing.

Heard Tori Amos today and thought of you, so I googled your name.

9:05 AM, November 21, 2007  

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